Monday, October 27, 2008

These pictures are from the day Ella Marin was born, Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008 at 5:55pm. She was born almost 4 weeks early, and weighed 5lbs 130z. Despite being early, she had no health problems which Greg and I were very grateful for. Ella was born at Littleton Adventist hospital in Littleton, CO. This is also the hospital where I work, in the ICU.
To our surprise, with no bags packed and no car seat in the car, my water broke at 2am on 7/23/08 and Greg and I went to the hospital . I labored until about noon and decided to take some Pitocin to speed things along (I also got an epidural at this time!). Ella was born a few hours later around 6pm. Lots of people were there with Greg and I to see Ella be born - my Mom Nancy, my Dad Doug and stepmom Melinda, Auntie Krissy (my sister), and Auntie Melanie (my best friend). There wasn't a dry eye in the room when she was born!

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