Thursday, March 12, 2009

Swimmy Swimmy!!

Here are some pictures of Ella in her new swim suit! She will be taking swim classes soon!
I added the last picture because I think it is finally one where she sort of looks like me!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hi everyone! Lately I've been doing lots of swinging in the beautiful Colorado
weather we've been having! I also went down the slide with Daddy at my
friend Giancarlo's 1st birthday party! It was scary! I love to sit and play in my
highchair while Mommy cooks dinner or makes my homeade baby food. I
recently tried carrots and they we're awful!! I gagged and spit them out!
In the picture is my friend "Lips." He's a fish beany baby! I just inherited a
bunch of beany babies from Grandpa Uncle Doug's house. There's so many that
I need to give some to my cousin Millie and my friends! See ya soon!